Authorisation Levels

Created by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Gunning on Mon May 4th, 2015 @ 1:30pm

Access to the Starfleet LCARS computer system is highly regulated. A standard set of authorization codes have been programmed into the starboard and engineering computer cores of all ships in order to stop any undesired access to the systems. The codes are as follows:

Unlimited access to all ship's records, systems, commands and computers.

Unlimited access to all ship's records, systems and computers. No access to ship localized command functions.

Unlimited access to all ship's records, systems and computers. Limited access to command functions (except if stated otherwise by Commanding Officer).

Unlimited access to all ship's records, and computers. Limited access to command functions (unless approved by the Commanding Officer). Access to ship systems is limited to duty related functions.

Limited access to all ship's records, systems, commands and computers. Access limited to duty related functions.

Limited access to all ship's records, and computers. Access limited to job related functions.

Security Level Position
Alpha-2 Commanding Officer & Executive Officer
Beta-2 Chief Operations Officer, Chief Security Officer, Chief Tactical Officer, Chief Flight Control Officer, Chief Strategic Operations Officer, & Chief Engineer
Alpha-1 Chief Intelligence Officer
Beta-1 Chief Science Officer, Chief Medical Officer & Chief Counselor
Delta-2 Enlisted Officers & Warrant Officers

Categories: Sim Reference