Lieutenant Commander Alexander Gunning
Name Alexander Mark Gunning
Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Second Position Second Officer
Rank Lieutenant Commander
- 17 Mission Posts
Last Post
Sun Feb 14th, 2016 @ 4:13am
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 28 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6' 2" | |
Weight | 178 lbs | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Tall and carries himself accordingly. He never seems to be anything less than confident. Will never (if on duty) be found out of uniform. |
Father | William Gunning | |
Mother | Mary Gunning | |
Brother(s) | Jonathan Gunning (KIA), (Half Brother) Jordan Gunning (Starfleet Academy) |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Abstract: Starfleet Medical Psychological Report [Routine Examination: 57265.8] Mr Gunning has shown exceptional flexibility in changing roles after a long period in Starfleet. His abilities in many different fields along with his leadership qualities mean that he is the perfect choice for the Command Course and assignment to any vessel thereafter. He is prone to bouts of aggression and due to a childhood trauma however, he informs me that he has taken up Vulcan meditation in order to control these tendencies. His rise through Starfleet's ranks suggest an ambitious officer who will give his utmost to serve his crew at all times. Many of his previous commanding officers have cited Gunning as a confidant & also a voice of conscience. [Abstract Ends] |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths - Operates well under pressure. - Ambitious. - Truly cares about the welfare of his crew. - Will do everything in his power to uphold Federation values. - Is not afraid to get his hands dirty. Weaknesses - Often makes rash decisions. - Sarcastic. - Is unpredictable. May talk or fight way out of a situation. - Has a tendency to say the wrong thing to an aggressor |
Ambitions | Gunning sees himself as a Captain, in the mould of the great heroes, Kirk and Picard and one day hopes to be able to follow in their footsteps. | |
Hobbies & Interests | - Holonovels - Music (late 20th, early 21st Century) - Football (Soccer) - Recently started a collection of vintage alcohols. Languages Spoken: Federation Standard, Cardassian (Basic), Bajoran, Klingon (Basic) |
Personal History | Born Alexander Mark Gunning in Glasgow City on Earth the early years of Alexander's life are- naturally- a haze of brightly coloured toys and basic auratory skills. However, when he started school it was clear that the young man had ability when it came to physical pursuits. His attitude to other elements of work was, however lacking. It was during this early period of his life that his parents divorced. In Secondary School, before applying to Starfleet Academy he was active in many extra-curricular activities which included Football (Soccer) and entered many shooting competitions. He was noted for organising the entire school into walking out in protest regarding the disciplining of a student of another culture. This was where his tolerance for beings of every species was born. He is well known for being on good terms with many of the Romulan commanders he has met in his tour of duty. When he reached the Academy his skill in the Tactical sciences were immediately evident & he took on extra classes with non-commisioned personnel who were receiving specialist training in operations and tactical systems. Alexander struggled with these extra responsibilities but made a concerted effort and passed all classes with honours. Alex applied himself well and graduated the Academy with distinction. His family were all present at his graduation in 2365. This was the last time he saw his brother Johnny before he died at Wolf 359. Alex's services aboard the USS Farragut during the battle meant that the ship survived against the odds. Johnny was the Chief Tactical Officer aboard the USS Melbourne which was one of the first ships destroyed by the Borg in the engagement. It is not known whether or not Johnny was assimilated or killed in the engagement. On the few occasions that Alex has seen fit to talk about the experience, he has shown no interest in finding out the truth. His father remarried shortly after his parents' divorce to an El-Aurian scientist. They had a son called Jordan who looked up to his half brother throughout his childhood and always secretly harboured a desire to follow in his footsteps. He is significantly younger than both Johnny & Alex and by 2273 he was a Freshman Cadet at Starfleet Academy. Alex served for three years as the Chief Tactical Officer aboard the USS Aries under (then) Captain Chingera. He was involved in an incident which led to several shuttlecraft being blown out of a depressurised shuttlebay for which he was held personally responsible. However, during a 'dressing down' from the Captain, Alex's suspicions were proved correct and the Admiral was forced to consider the fact that a glitch in the gravitational control functions on the flight deck were actually to blame for the incident. Gunning was cleared of any wrong-doing. He put in for a transfer, being unable to work with Chingera and was transferred aboard USS Manoora in 2372 where he served, with distinction for seven years. Gunning's hard work and dedication to the crew of the Manoora led to him being promoted several times. One of the most notable occasions being when he passed the 'bridge officer's exam' and was allowed the honour of serving as the vessel's Tactical officer and Second Officer. In 2373 the Manoora was pulled back from its run and assigned a new crew. Gunning was to continue in his assignment. |
Service Record | 2365 - Graduated Starfleet Academy. Promoted to Ensign & served aboard USS Lakota as Tactical Officer. 2366 - Served aboard USS Enterprise (NCC 1701-D) for 2 months. Recommended for Assistant Chief Tactical Officer's position aboard USS Farragut (NCC 60597). 2367 - Commended by Starfleet for actions at Wolf 359. 2368 - Promoted to Lieutenant & made Chief Tactical Officer - USS Farragut (NCC 60597). 2369 - Recommended for Chief Tactical Officer aboard USS Aries (NCC-45167) 2371 - Transferred to USS Manoora (NCC-63581) - served as Chief Tactical officer as Lieutenant. 2372 - Took 'Bridge Officers' Test' & transferred to Command Division with rank of Lt. Cmdr. Moved to Chief Tactical Officer & Second officer. 2373 - Continued assignment aboard the USS Manoora despite a new crew coming aboard. |
Sim Awards [OOC]
Commanding Officer's Merit Award | ![]() |