Lieutenant Nicolette De La Croix

Name Nicolette Elyce De La Croix

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant


  • 12 Mission Posts
  • 1 Personal Logs

Last Post

Mon Dec 14th, 2015 @ 9:23pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 150 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Warm Brown
Physical Description Nica's frame is lean and lightly muscled, graceful bone structure and generous curves hint of a European ancestry with obvious good breeding. Her hair is long and wavy; a glossy black wave that she keeps pulled tightly back away from her face and confined in a band to fall uniformly down her back. Her eyes are a warm brown: alert, cool and intelligent. Nica's skin tone is a pale latte. There's a long curving scar that runs from just below Nica's right thumb down the curve of her hand and part way down the wrist. She is left handed.

The woman carries herself with a clipped air of confidence, moves with purpose and grace and like a large hunting cat. Her emotions and tempers are evident in every aspect of the woman: her eyes, moves, the way she tilts her head. Nica's normal demeanor includes a competent smile, a slightly saucy tilt to her head and spring to her step.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Willem Harold De La Croix
Mother Franca Jeane Chantreaux-De La Croix
Brother(s) Samiel Mattew De la Croix, Aaron Charles De La Croix, Henri Leon De La Croix, Roget Timothy De La Croix
Sister(s) Patrice Michelle Le Suer, Mariposa Arianna Quentin, Melinda Dee Courveur, Celia Vaun Villiers, Veronika Lula Fosse, Lorelei Elaine Pippe, Erica Louisa De La Croix, Marisa Coraline De La Croix, Jonquil Maya De La Croix
Other Family A startling amount of aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.

Personality & Traits

General Overview In Nicolette's family history there have been nobles. There have been warriors. And the claim can easily be substantiated in the woman's behavior from day to day. In most cases she has the heart of a benevolent mediator or sage: sure of her ability to help sort through trouble and pull the best from what seemed like a fruitless situation. She's learned to note the angles in any situation, see the choices and sides and find which is the most right out of the alternatives.

When not placed in a situation where her opinion is counted on to be base and level, Nicolette is a passionate woman. She's stubborn, willful, ambitious, aggressive, strong of heart and mind. She falls into her work and play with all that she is to the point that at times she's gotten too caught up in the moment. She is a hard worker, a hard fighter. She'll stand and argue a point to death if she feels strongly enough about it. And put herself in the path of danger if it means defending another as she feels her responsibility as a doctor lies in prevention as well.

Whether her dancing of performing surgery, she's been known to wear herself ragged if the flow is right. To stay in that moment and stretch it until she can't keep up with it any longer or the tension breaks. She'll plod on, claim tirelessness, and go until she isn't capable of doing so anymore. Nica revels in that tired sensation, claiming it to be the well earned burn of victory and satisfaction and the clear sign of a job well done with heart.

The woman carries herself with a clipped air of confidence, moves with purpose and grace and like a large hunting cat. Her emotions and tempers are evident in every aspect of the woman: her eyes, moves, the way she tilts her head. Nica's normal demeanor includes a competent smile, a slightly saucy tilt to her head and spring to her step.

Nicolette appears to have difficulties with heights- or as she refers to it the falling aspect of heights. She detests the stronger male aspects of machismo, waving it off as ill restrained hostility issues and an overwhelming case of misplaced ego. Her dating history is littered with casualties of small wars- most of the players having been taken down a notch when their sensual, soft spoken lover turned into spice, ice and claws at an unkind word or a perceived threat.

She abhors cramped spaces, screaming children, filthy confines, unwashed bodies/clothes/rooms.. It reminds her too much of growing up and all the things she's tried to get away from. Nica hates the smell of heavy ore and oils, the screechy whine of machinery. Big, hulking bruisers with sour breath and no obvious class. She detests miners as a rule and mining planets as a whole.

Nicolette has little tolerance for those who refuse to help themselves. Stagnation, sloth, laziness- it all breeds rust and decay inside and outside a person. Nica never has understood how a person can't want more, won't strive for more or at least won't fight for a better spot for themselves, their fellows and their children. She abhors abuse- it's one of the sure fire ways to light hell fires under her rear. She won't tolerate mistreatment of man woman or child in any form (contrary to her sudden need to beat the tar out of them- she does contradict herself on occasion. And worse: she tends to cheat).
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
-Nicolette was born to follow her chosen line of work. She's got a hand for fine touch surgery and keeping cool under pressure. Her bedside manner is charming, level headed and honestly caring. Her dedication to the profession is total and she's willing to take the risks associated with it to serve the people in her care. Her patients are her territory which she's extremely protective over them. Sick bay is her stomping ground, her home away from home and often times she'll pull the long shifts or catch cat naps in her office to stay near trouble patients. She's honest about odds- she won't feed to illusions that would harm but will give hope if there's any light at all to the situation.

-The woman is also a talented singer, an excellent dancer and a fair piano player.

-She's very good with children and elderly and respects both for their unique views. Nica tends to listen to both when others pass them over.

-Surprisingly scrappy in a fight.

-Where her bedside manner can be cloying in the field or at the surgery table Nicolette's personality seems to ice over. In dire situations she's had words attributed to her such as 'cold, frigid and heartless'. She settles into a mask to make the touch calls and has no problem running rough shod over another to get the job done.

-Nica can be a task master at times. She'll recruit, bribe, threaten and blackmail to get the job done. She can be bull headed, mouthy, stubborn and extremely insulting if she gets her dander if. Her temper is swift and fiery if roused. Coming from a family of 13 children it's ingrained in her to really bellow to make one's self be heard. And spit and vinegar she has a-plenty.

-She has a desperate fear of heights resulting from a nasty fall as a child. Has been known to overwork herself to the point of dropping. And will hold a grudge indefinitely if it strikes her to.

-Has a tendency to hold grudges indefinitely.
Ambitions Doctor De La Croix is on a constant self-imposed path of improvement. She's yet to find a true comfort zone that she'd consider staying steady with. In light of her self she's a perfectionist bent on making something of herself that outshines any of her past achievements.
Hobbies & Interests Growing up poor and often ignored, Nicolette seeks out the opposite of that now. She lives securely with creds tucked away safely for rainy days and other 'just in cases'. She appreciates fine wines and savory foods, good music and tailored clothes. Privacy is important but she'd still rather have good company in an intimate setting to share conversation with.
She loves dancing and has taken ballet for the last several years as well as some voice training, lessons in grammar and oration. Nicolette adores jazz, classical and opera music as well as the more folksy 'cleaning music' as she refers to it of her home. She likes the burn of a good tennis match, swimming, climbing, walking, shopping, sun bathing and socializing.

Personal History Those nobles and warriors of the past certainly were in the past. In fact, they passed most of the rest of her family right by. Nicolette grew up in a staggeringly large family of 13 brothers and sisters all crammed into a tiny home in a struggling neighborhood. It was a constant competition against her siblings for what she needed whether it be food or peace or attention from her family. At a very young age she was passed off to apprentice under the community medic, who kept Nica far too busy to get into any of the troubles that her siblings did. While they were causing havoc, she was jerking stitches or mopping blood off of clinic floors. The sanitary nature of clinic- not to mention her mentor Karl Ilian's tales of Earth's Europe- were Nica's first clues that life on New Lobin was simply not cut out for her. She set it in her mind from eight on that she'd get off world, live in Paris and never, ever look back. Unlike most children who reset their goals in life every few months, Nica held onto her's tightly, gaining her the nickname 'Fancy' from her family and ostracizing her from most of her peers.

Only once did that plan nearly falter, and that, of course, was due to a young man. The teenage brain rarely has the power to undermine a healthy dose of hormones, but in her case even Lowell Quentin's perfect white smile wasn't enough to charm her out of her ambitions. It frightened her to realize that she'd almost faltered and faced becoming the same as her sisters and mother: churning out babies year after year into dirty little company housing where you couldn't ever get the pitch out of your dresses. No, no.. She sent him off with a swat to the head and told him to find someone else to curl up to- which in this case was one of her younger sisters.

Nica joined Starfleet as much to get out of the rat trap of colony life as she did to put polish and shine on her all ready vibrant scholastic records (despite some of the company's positively awful policies, the availability of console-based learning was readily available to all children. It was sadly under-utilized on New Lobin). She absolutely adored the attention that was available to her through teachers, counselors and various scholastic mentors, the information there at her fingertips and the chance to have a bed of her own and personal belongings that she didn't have to hide to keep: it was heaven.

Her second two years went by in a steady push forward and above. She never excelled in her classes per sey, but she did steadily and markedly improve. Nica graduated ambitiously above-average score-wise with several additional course credits tacked on and acknowledged. Nicolette tacked on an additional four years at Fleet medical college to finish her fully accredited medical doctorate before being transferred to her first ship, the USS Taling. The cruise it's self wasn't that bad with little notable happenings officially, but unofficially her family made it a living hell. She received numerous calls for everything from money to equipment to a few pleas from her younger siblings asking if they could come live with her. The holidays were especially rough.

Her second tour aboard the USS Randall was certainly much more satisfying in the level of activity she and the crew faced. Between a rather contagious outbreak of a previously unidentified disease and the usual trials and tribulations of a explorer vessel she was far too productively busy to pay much heed to her family's continual contacts. She did her best to keep in touch at least four times a year, but more than that she couldn't promise.
Service Record 2362: Graduated Star Fleet Academy
2366: Graduated Star Fleet Medical College
2367-2369: USS Taling, Medical Officer
2370-2372: USS Randall, Assistant Chief Medical Officer
2373: USS Manoora, Chief Medical Officer

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